Concert and rowing at the UBC Varsity team! - Reisverslag uit Vancouver, Canada van Denise Koopmans - Concert and rowing at the UBC Varsity team! - Reisverslag uit Vancouver, Canada van Denise Koopmans -

Concert and rowing at the UBC Varsity team!

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Denise

11 September 2014 | Canada, Vancouver

So Sunday I went to the Stanley Park with an Italian girl named Erika. We planned to go to the aquarium, but she had found out that it costed 20 dollars. We didn't think it would be worth that much, so we walked trough the park instead. Because the week was still not over I had still some bad luck. I found out that my buscard was still at home the moment we wanted to get on the bus. So I runned back to get it and luckely made it to the next one. The weather was really nice and there were a lot of bikers and pedestrians on the move. At first we walked by the harbour, the lake and a statue of a girl in swimsuit (that was literally the name). After that we walked more into the forest. It was beautiful and suprising to see how many different views there were at the park. At one moment we walked past the beach, the other moment you are in the center of a forest with pine trees, and another moment you are in a beautiful park with flowers and fresly mowed grass. In the park part we tried to have the cheapest dinner and then got in line for the concert, what was just at the opposite of the restaurant. The line wasn't that long yet (it was 1 hour before entrance time) and we sat down on the grass talking. After us the line got longer and longer. It was funny to see that line of people going through the park. AT the concert we could sit on a small hill and see the stage perfectly. It was a nice spot. What I found out the day before (because of my other blog) was that my roommate was also going! So we met her at the concert and sat next to her and her friend. The concert was really good. Passenger is a great artist, in a musical way, but also with the public. I really want to go another time to a concert of his.
The next day was monday again, so lectures! I noticed an email from the rowing coaches and they invited me for their trainings. The only thing that hold me back was the time,... 5:30 am... What means that I have to get up at 4 am, since the location is not on campus. Luckely they have a carpool team and could I join someone to go there by car. So that monday I went to bed at 9 pm and fell asleep at 9.30 pm. The training was really good on Tuesday morning. It was in an 8. I rowed with some good rowers. Some who had even rowed internationally. It was pretty long though. At the end my legs really hurt. I rowed on the Fraser River at Richmond. When I got back from the training, I talked to my mother via Skype for a while and then when to bed for 45 minutes before I needed to get up for my lecture. I only have one lecture and that was very interesting. The professor talked about cases that were sentenced wrong because of wrong eye witnes statements and to explain it about the memory. After that I skyped with my boyfriend, Hidde, and in the afternoon I tried to study but I was really tired. Also because of my conversation with Hidde, I started doubting about the idea of joining the rowing team. I need to be realistic. I need my hours of sleep, but don't want to go to bed at 8/9 pm 3 times a week. So I'm a bit torn... In the afternoon I got groceries, but it was a bit much so I had to take many pauses during my walk back to the residence.
The next morning was the second training (they call it practice here). Up at 4 again. Today we did time trials of 2 times 3k. It was though but I really liked it. I also talked with the coaches about the rowing and they said that I could just try for a few weeks and see how it goes. So I decided to continue at least untill next wednesday and then make my decision. I only have to do the boat practices. So that's is 4 times a week, but on saturday it is at 7 or 10 am.
After the training I had lectures again. Between my lectures I went to the War Memorial Gym to get a headshot taken.
After my lectures I didn't felt so wel. Every musscle in my body hurted and especially my hands (full of blisters), I was really tired also. But I got some Ibuprofen and lunch and then it got better.
In the afternoon I studied and made dinner for me and my roommates. Esther also made some food and we sat together with Julia to eat some of it. Later Asuko arrived with Japanese food that she had wanted to cook for us. But she will still do that another time! That night we have a meeting with our floor adviso, but at first I go to the Student Atletes Orientations. It was a bit interesting. But it was nice to see al the sporters of the Varsity team of UBC together. Go Thunderbirds!
After the orientation I meet my roommates and later the advisor. We talk about cleaning schedules and agreements about noise, alcohol, guests and so on. We could get through it and that was nice. I think we are all at the same page. Now we are with a few left in de living room. Studying (well the others then..). I'm glad with my roommates. That we can hang out that easy. It's nice living with them.
Tomorrow luckely no training and lecture at 11, so I can sleep quite long! Night night!

  • 11 September 2014 - 10:17


    Great you started rowing again! Take care and have fun!!

  • 11 September 2014 - 10:25


    Reading the last reports I'm really sure you can show us a lot in october! I think time will be our challenge!

  • 11 September 2014 - 10:37


    Druk programma, hoor!
    Ik snap dat je even wilt kijken of je wel door gaat met roeien. Misschien wordt het een ritme, maar een beetje tijd om van Vancouver te genieten moet er ook wel zijn.
    Fijn dat je het zo gezellig hebt met je kamergenoten!

  • 11 September 2014 - 20:45

    Ben een daagje wezen treinen,naar Bergen op zoom"Ons plan was Middelburg"maar er viel een trein uit,dus zijn we in Bergen op Z gebleven.mooi out stadje.was gezellig ,groetjes

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